It may be tempting to compare and select the cheapest internet/tv bundle, but avoid this mistake. An extremely low advertised price is often followed with hidden fees, or the low price is simply an introductory price and after a certain amount of time, the rate goes higher than their competitors. This is particularly disastrous if you have signed a contract with the company. 

In these instances, you are stuck with the bad contract and you have not saved anything by bundling. The better strategy is to compare various companies and their packages. Features to directly compare include:

Where to Find the Best Bundling Services for Your Home

  • Unlimited plans.
  • Free use of equipment (no rental fees).
  • Free installation. 
  • Activation fees. 
  • Fees for high definition television. 

Review the television offerings closely and do not pay for more channels than you will actually watch. 

Additionally, unless you work from your home, you do not need the super fast internet speeds.

For the average home internet user, aim at around 6Mbps to 15mbps. 

While many consumers have dropped their landline, experts agree that it is a good idea to have at least a simple landline in case of emergencies. 

When natural disasters hit, cell phone towers are often rendered useless. If the power goes out, you have no way to charge your phone.

 A landline bundled in with your other services not only gives you safety during an emergency, but it may reduce your overall bundle costs. For example, suppose a company offers internet and cable for $95 a month, but if you also add on a landline for an additional $5, the company also offers additional features to your internet/cable package that was not available as a dual package.